Building Relationships. Strengthening Communities. Repairing Harm.


Be part of a growing number of people dedicated to safe and peaceful communities through building respectful relationships, resolving conflict, repairing harm and promoting healing.  We need volunteers to help us with the work of Partners in Restorative Initiatives by:

  • Serving on committees:  Finance, Marketing and Communications, Schools, Courts, Community Outreach.  Committees typically meet monthly.
  • Helping in our office
  • Becoming facilitator/trainers, especially to support work in schools and the community
  • Supporting our newsletter – writing, photography
  • Working on special events

All volunteers receive our monthly newsletters, information about restorative practices in the community, invitation to special events and the opportunity to participate in the trainings offered by Partners in Restorative Initiatives.

Contact us if you are interested in volunteering to be part of creating a safer, more peaceful community.